This project involved the redevelopment of the Los Angeles “Cornfield” and abandoned rail yard which was the terminus of Southern Pacific’s Transcontinental Rail Line. This historic park redevelopment will include native habitats, a welcome pavilion, citrus grove and wetlands area. Group Delta provided a very complex coordination effort with the Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) and provided time sensitive and critical path deliverables. Managed a site-wide investigation of widespread arsenic and lead contamination of this 32-acre site. Group Delta implemented an expedited site cleanup protocol using x-ray florescence technology for immediate soil screening during remediation in support of DTSC site closure and implemented project air quality monitoring. Group Delta performed a site-wide Phase II Environmental Site Investigation (ESA) and remediation, air monitoring was also performed during all excavation activities.
Location: Los Angeles, California
Client: California Department of Parks and Recreation (Owner)