Title: Associate Seismic Engineer
Ms. Chang is a registered civil engineer in the State of California with over 19 years of experience on a broad range of projects in the fields of geotechnical engineering and earthquake engineering. Her areas of expertise include probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard analysis, seismic deaggregation, selection and modification of earthquake ground motions, 1-D and 2-D site response analyses, and numerical modeling. Ms. Chang has significant experience with seismic hazard analysis and ground motion development throughout California, and is familiar with seismic regulations for buildings, dams, bridges, ports, and other facilities. In addition, Ms. Chang has a broad range of experience in performing and evaluating static and dynamic numerical modeling, particularly with the 2-D finite difference software FLAC. Ms. Chang has performed soil-structure interaction evaluations for retaining walls, excavations, buildings and foundations, and underground structures and tunnels, under static and seismic conditions.